Sunday, 15 April 2018

Audience feedback on my film

I showed our film to my family. The feedback I got was very mixed and I used different age groups including ages that weren’t in my target audience.

Age range - 8-38

Safiya - 8: “I didn’t really understand the film, it was a bit weird but it looked quite cool”
Was this because of your age? Probably, because I don’t know what schizophrenia is but older people might so they will get it
What was good about it? I liked the quick flashes
What was bad about it? It was a bit short

Lexine - 12: “I don’t know what schizophrenia is except that they see things so it kind of made sense to me but not fully. I like that you didn’t show the face of the character because that left some mystery”
Was this because of your age? Maybe as I think older people might understand it more and know what is happening but if I understood it all then I think it would be quite good”
What was good about it? The sounds over the top because I was told it is to reflect that the hear things so it makes it more about a person with schizophrenia

Abigail - 14: “Well the film was weird and was a bit short so you couldn’t really get much of a story into it and maybe filming in a better location at the start would be better. The name of the film does fit with the film as it contradicts the person as she is not in control and I think it means that the schizophrenia is in control of what is happening”
Was this because of your age? I got what the film was about and I think that’s because I know about schizophrenia and I am able to read further into things than someone younger than me
What was good about it? The story was put across quite well but could have been a little bit clearer
What was bad about it? Location at the start and not much really happened

Caitlin - 19: “As a media student I can tell that you were trying not to be cliche with the story idea and putting it together. You also have some good shots in the film and the sounds work really well. The type of horror you did also works quite well as not everyone likes slashers or gore. The film makes you think about what is going on and how it would feel to be in the characters position.”
Was this because of your age? Yes and I loves films so I’m always picking things apart to understand the story so even though it could have been put together better the story that you wanted was put across well
What was good about it? As said before you can understand the story well and the editing idea was good
What was bad about it? Maybe add more sound to make it more effective and maybe some different shots in there

Debi - 38: “The film had quite a quirky side to it and I love that in films so to me I quite liked it and considering it’s only an a level film I think you’ve done well to get your story across and shown some good editing skills. The film itself could do with a bit of improving to make it a bit better, like the locations, the lighting and the sounds”
Was this because of your age? I think anyone could say this and it really depends on your opinion on the film but I think maybe teens and older would most be targeted for this film because it’s quite a quirky and psychological film so you need to think further about the story
What was good about the film? Overall it was a good film, a good story was used, the editing skills are clear and also the title of the film fits with the film so it was a good choice of name

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