Sunday 15 April 2018

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Many different technologies were used in the making of my media products. Everything I used I had used before so nothing was knew to me and I knew that they would work for me too.
To edit our film, we used Final Cut Pro on the Apple Mac. Final Cut Pro is a video editing software that’s allows you to cut and edit all your video clips, add sound, add effects, etc. Having used this software before, I understood what I was doing when I went onto it and I could navigate around the software very easily. However, we did have a bit of trouble at the start of making our film as we couldn’t upload our videos from the phone to he Mac. After a while we managed to do it and that was the only struggle we had. Final Cut Pro also has many sound effects to use so we had some fun looking through them all and seeing what would fit with our film and we managed to find some. Final Cut Pro helped a lot because it was so simple to use therefore there was no fussing about it not working or not being able to do what we wanted on our film.
To make my poster, I used an app on my phone called PicsArt to make the silhouette hands. I have used PicsArt many times in the past to edit pictures so this was not new to me either but it is still very easy to use on your first time using it. After making the silhouette hands, I then switched over to my laptop to actually make my poster and I did this on a free photo editing website called Pixlr and I used Pixlr express. This allows you to add texts, effects, images, edit how your photos look, etc. It is a very easy to use site and gives you lots of options on what to do. Here, I added a black and white effect to my main image because I thought it looked more effective like that and it made the colour of the film title stand out a lot more. I then added the text which was very easy to do and you could also change the opacity of the text (and also images). The text I added was the film title and the letters on the main image to represent the voices in the characters head. After I added the text, I then looked on google for a billing block with no background to add to the bottom of my film poster which I added with ease.
To make my double page spread, I used the app Canva as this is a familiar site to me and it’s easy to use. I used a template from here for my double page spread and it worked out quite nicely.

These three stages all were very different because I used different apps for them all and therefore had to use different skills for each stage. The film differed the most from the other two as it was using videos whereas the other two were just images and words. I was most dependent on the film making because that was our main task and required the most editing. I was least dependent on the magazine article because I used a template and just added pictures and wrote an article.

From using these I did not learn much but that is because I had used them all before and were very familiar with them all.

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