Monday 16 April 2018

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The feedback I got from my film was both critical and not critical with them including what they thought was good about the film and what they found not so good about the film. The main criticism about the film was the length and that there was not that much of a story to the film. Most of my audience understood what was going on in the film but it was the older audience who did and not the younger audience as they would be too young to know what schizophrenia is and therefore what the film means. This is why our target audience was 18-28 because at this age they are more likely to know what schizophrenia is and understand that the clips between the woman are the delusions that she has to experience. We did not change the length or add more of a story due to the fact that expanding the story would mean changing most of the film. We could have made the film slightly longer but we did not do this because we did not have time to film more. If people know the story behind what our film is about then they are more likely to like the film which is clearly reflected in the audience feedback. Another criticism we got was about the sounds in the film and that they can be improved by adding more sounds and more effective sounds which we did not add extra to our film but we understand how it would have improved the film to be more effective. We had some good responses about our editing and how we showed the audience the effect of good editing.

Uses and Gratifications claims that the audience do have a say in how the media influnces them and in this case, I think that this is true as if people read well into the film they will hopefully sympathise with the woman about her mental illness. This depends on how the audience understand the film and whether or not they'd sympathise with them if it was real life.

I should have got more feedback from a larger audience to get a lot more criticism to reflect on and there should have been more ages who gave feedback to see where the target audience could be changed.
We also could have reflected on all aspects of the criticism given so that we could improve our film and give the audience the best that we can do.

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