Sunday 15 April 2018

My movie poster analysis

The random letters are supposed to resemble the voices in the characters head as I could not think of another way of doing this so I used the letters and each one resembles a voice that the woman hears. The woman is holding her head in the image because it’s all getting too much for her and she’s trying to block out the sound of the voices but they’re in her head so the voices are still there. The hand reaching up over the wall resemble what the woman sees and that they’re not actually there, she’s just imagining it. The woman would also be squeezing her eyes shut in her image but this is not visible on the poster because I did not want to include a face on my poster because there is no face in the film so it reflects the film.

I think my film poster worked really well and it clearly resembles what I wanted it to. The title is very bold and stands out against the dark background. The hands intrigue the audience more because it gives a sense that the film is quite creepy. The letters also work quite well I think because even though people won’t know what they resemble straight away, they look quite weird and gives the film a sense of quirkiness. To improve my poster, I would use a much clearer main image because it is very very dark and you cannot make out what the character is doing as much as I would have wanted it to. The fonts work okay I think, however the film title I would probably look at other options of font. Overall, I am really happy with it 

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