Monday, 16 April 2018

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

  1. FORMAT: Design choices that span every issue. These define a products overall look and feel. These include things that look the same each issue - included in my products because there are small aspects in all of my products that are similar but they also have aspects that a different because I did not want them all to look the same to attract a larger audience.
  2. FORMULA: This is known as editorial content (i.e. what's in the product). The types of article, the product itself,  they all contribute to the formula.
  3. FRAME: The frame is the standard size for outer page margins and gutters. Some magazines use the same margin width through the magazines; others vary the width. The rule for using margins establishes consistency from issue to issue. - My magazine and poster don't have the same frame and use completely different images and layout
  4. FUNCTION: The function is, quite simply, what a magazine is trying to achieve and the message it's trying to send. - My products hopefully get across that the film is about someone who suffers from a mental illness and I think it is portrayed quite well.
Consistency - Magazine and poster should have a familiar look - Stlightly consistent yes but also no as they do not look the same but they have some familiar features
Unity - United feel to the products


Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. I have used synergy as I have created more than one text to increase the effect of them and the products look different to attract a wider audience as some people may like the look of the poster better or the look of the magazine better. The fact that the magazine article says in cinemas now and the poster says April 21 creates a good effect because people can look at both and see that it's released April 21 and also that it is now in cinemas so they know when they are able to go.
 My products do match my main product because they all hopefully portray mental illness and what the film is about and its style.

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